diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2ad1c06..c78ebfe 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,14 +1,32 @@
 # noneroll
-archive low priority emails and send daily summary (unroll.me without 3rd party access)
-# Setup
-1. Create a new spreadsheet in google sheets that keeps track of low-priority email addresses
-2. Create a new gmail folder. Mine is called ```zbulk```. If you name it differently, replace ```zbulk``` in the ```noneroll.gs``` file to the  folder you want. As you add emails to this folder, the spreadhsheet gets populated with email addresses that will regularly be archived
-2. Create a new google app scripts project
-  - copy code from ```noneroll.gs``` to the existing ```Code.gs``` or a new file if you choose
-  - replace ```sheetID``` with the id of the sheet created in step 1
-  - replace ```zbulk``` in the functions ```arch```, ```addEmail```, and ```getEmails``` to your bulk folder label
-3. Create project triggers. I run
-  - ```arch``` every 30 mins
-  - ```addEmail``` between midnight and 1am
-  - ```noneroll``` between 5 and 6am
+This Google Apps Script moves your low priority (promotional, social, political, etc.) emails in Gmail to a custom label, and sends you a synopsis of recieved emails every morning for review.
+Basically, this is `unroll.me` without any 3rd party access or [creepy data brokering](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/24/technology/personal-data-firm-slice-unroll-me-backlash-uber.html).
+## Configuration
+1. Create a new spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Name it whatever you'd like.
+  - This spreadsheet will be used to keep track of low priority email addresses.
+2. Create a new Gmail label. Mine is called `zbulk`, but you are more than welcome to be creative.
+  - Should you decide on a different label, replace every instance of `zbulk` in the `noneroll.gs` file to whatever name you have choosen.
+3. Create a new Google Apps Script project.
+  - Copy code from `noneroll.gs` to the project's `Code.gs` file.
+  - Replace `sheetID` with the ID of the sheet (everything after `spreadsheets/d/` and before `/edit#` in the sheet's URL) that you created in Step 1.
+3. Create project triggers. I am currently using the following settings:
+  - `arch` every 15 mins
+  - `addEmail` between midnight and 1am
+  - `noneroll` between 5 and 6am
+## Notes
+- Tag any emails that you wish to add to your low priority email digest with `zbulk` (or your custom label).
+- Column A of your spreadhsheet will be populated with the email addresses of mail you consider low priority.
+- It is a good idea to occasionally open your spreadsheet and select *"Data > Remove duplicates"* from the menu to prevent email addresses from appearing multiple times in your spreadsheet.
+  - Pull requests to fix this (see: automagically deduping email addresses) are welcome.
+- If you want to stop mail from being flagged as low priority, remove the corresponding email address(es) from your spreadsheet and (to be safe) remove the label from any messages in `zbulk` (or your custom label).
+- Low priority emails will be archived, labeled, and marked as read every 15 minutes.
+## Credits
+Forked from [a GitHub project by Niraj D](https://github.com/nirajd/noneroll). Thanks for making this possible! 🙌🏻