# noneroll archive low priority emails and send daily summary (unroll.me without 3rd party access) # Setup 1. Create a new spreadsheet in google sheets that keeps track of low-priority email addresses 2. Create a new gmail folder. Mine is called ```zbulk```. If you name it differently, replace ```zbulk``` in the ```noneroll.gs``` file to the folder you want. As you add emails to this folder, the spreadhsheet gets populated with email addresses that will regularly be archived 2. Create a new google app scripts project - copy code from ```noneroll.gs``` to the existing ```Code.gs``` or a new file if you choose - replace ```sheetID``` with the id of the sheet created in step 1 - replace ```zbulk``` in the functions ```arch```, ```addEmail```, and ```getEmails``` to your bulk folder label 3. Create project triggers. I run - ```arch``` every 30 mins - ```addEmail``` between midnight and 1am - ```noneroll``` between 5 and 6am