# Tim Walz Fixed Your Bicycle This was *heavily* influenced by Mat Honan's "[Barack Obama Is Your New Bicycle](https://barackobamaisyournewbicycle.com)". Let's bring back some of that '08 optimism and energy! ## About the Author [Jason Cosper](https://jason.cosper.me) made this alongside a bunch of pals suggesting very funny and uplifting things in the group chat. ♥️ If you need someone to do some WordPress work, you can pay Jason to do that for you at [Little Room](https://littleroom.studio). He can make your site fast. ## About the Code If you're looking at this and are a professional JS developer, *please* don't tell anyone how I live. 😬 ## Contact the Author Fun nerd? Member of the media? Just wanna chat? I've had the username "boogah" over on Gmail for like 20 years now. Drop me a line there. Unless you're some sort of far right weirdo, that is. I primarily use the fediverse (see: Mastodon) so you could also say hi [there](https://simian.rodeo/@boogah). Want to make your own version of this site? [Remix it](https://glitch.com/edit/#!/tim-walz-fixed-your-bicycle) on Glitch! Finally, after getting several million visits in a matter of days, I *would not* be mad if you wanted to help me cover the (eventual) costs of running this thing. You can do so by [buying a t-shirt](https://cottonbureau.com/people/tim-walz-fixed-your-bicycle) or sending along a couple bucks: * https://venmo.com/u/boogah * https://cash.app/$boogah * https://paypal.me/boogah