This WordPress plugin is designed to upgrade your WordPress database to `utf8mb4` via WP-CLI. The plugin will go through each table in your database and upgrade its collation to `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`.
Why would you do this? Maybe your WordPress install missed running this conversion when WordPress 4.2 first shipped. If it did, you may be [affecting your site's performance]( — so upgrading your database is a good idea.
1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/utf8mb4-cli-upgrader` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
**Please** run a backup of your database before running this plugin's CLI command on your site. It's as straightforward as running `wp db export` before running the `wp upgrade_utf8mb4` command.
Once this plugin has been run, you *do not* need to keep it active or installed on your site. Please get rid of the plugin by deleting it once you're done using it!