# utf8mb4 database upgrader for WP-CLI Force upgrade your WordPress database to utf8mb4 via WP-CLI. ## Description This WordPress plugin is designed to upgrade your WordPress database to utf8mb4 via WP-CLI. The plugin will go through each table in your database and upgrade its collation to `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`. Why would you do this? Maybe your database missed this conversion when WordPress 4.2 first shipped. If it did, you may be [affecting your site's performance](https://www.percona.com/blog/charset-and-collation-settings-impact-on-mysql-performance/). ## Installation 1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/utf8mb4-database-upgrader-cli` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. 2. The plugin can be run via WP-CLI with the following command: `wp upgrade_utf8mb4`. ## Requirements - WordPress 4.2 or higher - PHP 7.0 or higher ## Usage To run the utf8mb4 upgrade on your WordPress database, use the WP-CLI command: ``` wp upgrade_utf8mb4 ``` The output will look like this: ``` Table wp_commentmeta current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_commentmeta converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_comments current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_comments converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_links current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_links converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_options current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_options converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_postmeta current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_postmeta converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_posts current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_posts converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_term_relationships current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_term_relationships converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_term_taxonomy current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_term_taxonomy converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_termmeta current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_termmeta converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_terms current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_terms converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_usermeta current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_usermeta converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Table wp_users current collation: utf8_general_ci Table wp_users converted. New collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci ``` ## Changelog ### 1.0.0 - Initial Release